The sewer system is a vital part of any city’s infrastructure. It protects the health of its residents and ensures water quality.

The sanitary sewer system carries wastewater from homes, businesses, and industries to wastewater treatment plants for sanitation. This is done via a network of underground pipes and manholes, along with pumping stations.
Wastewater treatment is a multi-stage process that renovates wastewater before it enters a water body or land and also helps prevent the release of harmful pollutants into the environment. It also removes bacteria that can cause disease-causing organisms to grow and spread.
This is a vital part of sewer services because wastewater can be harmful to people and animals. It can lead to countless health problems and even death if it isn’t treated.
Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) treat all the sewage and wastewater that is collected from homes, businesses, and industries in an area. They then use various processes to clean the wastewater before it can be discharged back into the environment or reused as drinking water.
The first stage in wastewater treatment is called primary treatment and involves screening the raw sewage, which removes large items such as rags that can clog pipes and damage equipment. It also removes grit and other solids that can block a pipe or cause an overflow.
It also separates grease from the wastewater and clarifies it. This is done by holding the wastewater in quiet tanks for several hours, allowing heavy particles to sink to the bottom and greasy materials to float to the top. The wastewater is then pumped into large aeration tanks for further treatment and disposal.
Next, the wastewater goes through secondary treatment, which reduces organic matter in the sewage using aerobic or anaerobic biological processes. It also removes nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen, sometimes using chemicals added to the water.
In the final stage, the wastewater goes through disinfection, which uses chlorine to kill germs that can make people sick or contaminate the water. This is important because it can protect human health and the environment from waterborne diseases that are still common around the world.
Ideally, sewer systems have enough capacity to handle the sewage that comes from their service areas. However, if people increase their use of the system or businesses expand their operations, sewers can become overwhelmed and overflow into nearby streams or even basements.
In order to improve the sustainability of sanitation and avoid lock-in, countries need to plan, design, and build infrastructure that supports resource recovery and circular economy principles. These strategies can help make wastewater treatment and reuse facilities more efficient and financially sustainable. They can also create new business opportunities that can generate extra revenue for the sector.
Sewer services involve a lot of moving parts and equipment. Fortunately, the city has a highly competent workforce to maintain and service the system. This includes installing and maintaining pipes, valves, pumps, lift stations, manholes, and more.
To get started in this career, you need a driver’s license and a good understanding of the local area. To obtain a license, you will need to visit the Department of Public Utilities (DPU). You will also need to pass an in-person interview.
After you are a licensed driver, you will need to know how to operate the city’s fleet of vehicles. For example, you will need to read the traffic signs, take the required safety tests, and be familiar with your driver’s manual.
You will also need to be knowledgeable about the city’s water and sewer infrastructure, including the history of each of the systems and how they work together. For example, you will need to understand how the wastewater treatment plant and the water distribution network connect to one another to ensure that wastewater is delivered in a timely manner to the appropriate place at the right time. The best way to do this is by attending training classes and participating in ongoing discussions with your supervisors and other city employees.